2021-02-20 10:03:28 -05:00

957 B

To bootstrap from another linux system:

Make sure you have a full development environment installed including compiler, linker, headers etc. Git is also required for several stages, along with GNU wget. Commands following a # prompt are run as root, while those following a % prompt can be run as your normal user.

Bind mount the source directory on /usr/src:

# mount -Bv <path to sourcedir> /src

Create a link required for the correct installation of the temporary toolchain:

# ln -sv <path to sourcedir>/build/toolchain /toolchain

Set up the environment by sourcing an included script:

# source scripts/

The system is now bootstrapped with minimal changes to the host. Should you wish to abort partway through and continue later, simply unmount /src and then remount it when ready to begin again.

To build the system:

% make buildtools
% make buildworld

This creates a complete root filesystem in /src/build