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Downloading the Hitch Hiker Linux source

The Hitch Hiker Linux source code is available as an xz compressed tarball from the hitchhiker-linux.org website, or can alternatively be cloned from the main git repository.

The current stable source tarball can be fetched using wget:

wget -c https://hitchhiker-linux.org/pub/stable/src/src.tar.xz
tar -xJf src.tar.xz

Alternatively, should one wish to build the most recent development version of HitchHiker, the source can be checked out via git over https.

git clone https://git.hitchhiker-linux.org/hitchhiker/src.git


Currently, the build tree expects to be located in the top level directory /src, and it is therefore necessary to either cd / prior to running the previous commands, or else to bind mount the actual source directory onto /src prior to building. This requirement may be changed in the future in order to increase flexibility.