
253 lines
6.4 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const mem = std.mem;
const testing = std.testing;
const DateTime = @import("main.zig").DateTime;
const Year = @import("year.zig").Year;
const Month = @import("month.zig").Month;
const tz = @import("timezone.zig");
const Offset = tz.Offset;
const TimeZone = tz.TimeZone;
test "new year" {
try testing.expectEqual(Year.new(2023), Year{ .normal = 2023 });
try testing.expectEqual(Year.new(2024), Year{ .leap = 2024 });
test "get year" {
try testing.expectEqual(Year.new(2023).get(), 2023);
try testing.expectEqual(Year.new(2024).get(), 2024);
test "next year" {
try testing.expectEqual(Year.new(2023).next(), Year{ .leap = 2024 });
test "last year" {
try testing.expectEqual(Year.new(2024).previous(), Year{ .normal = 2023 });
test "get days in month" {
const year = Year.new(2023);
const month = Month.february;
try testing.expectEqual(month.days(year), 28);
test "next month" {
try testing.expectEqual(Month.june.next(), .july);
try testing.expectEqual(Month.december.next(), null);
test "last month" {
try testing.expectEqual(Month.june.previous(), .may);
try testing.expectEqual(Month.january.previous(), null);
test "new offsets" {
try testing.expectEqual(Offset.new(-5, null), Offset{ .negative = .{ .hours = 5, .minutes = null } });
try testing.expectEqual(Offset.new(3, null), Offset{ .positive = .{ .hours = 3, .minutes = null } });
test "as seconds" {
try testing.expectEqual(Offset.new(-4, 30).?.asSeconds(), -16200);
try testing.expectEqual(Offset.new(3, null).?.asSeconds(), 10800);
test "new timezone" {
const zone = TimeZone.new(-5, null).?;
try testing.expectEqual(@as(tz.TimeZoneTag, zone), .offset);
switch (zone) {
.offset => |ofs| try testing.expectEqual(ofs, Offset{ .negative = .{ .hours = 5, .minutes = null } }),
else => unreachable,
test "new timezone utc" {
const tz0 = TimeZone.new(null, null).?;
const tz1 = TimeZone.new(0, null).?;
try testing.expectEqual(@as(tz.TimeZoneTag, tz0), .utc);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(tz.TimeZoneTag, tz1), .utc);
test "get year from DateTime" {
const dt = DateTime{
.year = Year.new(2023),
.month = .june,
.day = 12,
.hour = 1,
.minute = 5,
.second = 14,
.tz = TimeZone.new(-5, null).?,
try testing.expectEqual(dt.getYear(), 2023);
test "get offset" {
const dt = DateTime{
.year = Year.new(2023),
.month = .june,
.day = 12,
.hour = 1,
.minute = 5,
.second = 14,
.tz = TimeZone.new(-5, null).?,
try testing.expectEqual(dt.getOffset().?, Offset{ .negative = .{ .hours = 5, .minutes = null } });
test "to timestamp utc" {
const dt = DateTime{
.year = Year.new(2023),
.month = .june,
.day = 13,
.hour = 5,
.minute = 21,
.second = 22,
.tz = .utc,
try testing.expectEqual(dt.toTimestamp(), 1686633682);
test "to timestamp negative offset" {
const dt = DateTime{
.year = Year.new(2023),
.month = .june,
.day = 13,
.hour = 0,
.minute = 21,
.second = 22,
.tz = TimeZone.new(-5, null).?,
try testing.expectEqual(dt.toTimestamp(), 1686633682);
test "conversions" {
const ts = std.time.timestamp();
const dt = DateTime.fromTimestamp(ts);
try testing.expectEqual(dt.toTimestamp(), ts);
test "now" {
const ts = std.time.timestamp();
const dt = DateTime.now();
try testing.expect(ts <= dt.toTimestamp());
// Make sure they're identical at least to the tens place, since it's possible
// for them to vary by a second or more depending on system resources
const a = @divTrunc(ts, 10);
const b = @divTrunc(dt.toTimestamp(), 10);
try testing.expectEqual(a, b);
test "get weekday" {
const dt = DateTime{
.year = Year.new(2023),
.month = .june,
.day = 13,
.hour = 6,
.minute = 21,
.second = 22,
.tz = .utc,
try testing.expectEqual(dt.weekday(), .tuesday);
test "get weekday 2" {
const dt = DateTime{
.year = Year.new(2023),
.month = .june,
.day = 10,
.hour = 6,
.minute = 21,
.second = 22,
.tz = .utc,
try testing.expectEqual(dt.weekday(), .saturday);
test "ordering lt" {
const a = DateTime{
.year = Year.new(2023),
.month = .june,
.day = 10,
.hour = 6,
.minute = 21,
.second = 22,
.tz = .utc,
const b = DateTime{
.year = Year.new(2023),
.month = .june,
.day = 10,
.hour = 6,
.minute = 21,
.second = 23,
.tz = .utc,
try testing.expectEqual(a.compare(b), .lt);
test "ordering gt" {
const a = DateTime{
.year = Year.new(2023),
.month = .june,
.day = 10,
.hour = 6,
.minute = 21,
.second = 22,
.tz = .utc,
const b = DateTime{
.year = Year.new(2023),
.month = .june,
.day = 10,
.hour = 6,
.minute = 21,
.second = 22,
.tz = TimeZone.new(1, null).?,
try testing.expectEqual(a.compare(b), .gt);
test "custom fmt" {
const dt = DateTime{
.year = Year.new(2023),
.month = .june,
.day = 10,
.hour = 6,
.minute = 21,
.second = 22,
.tz = .utc,
const dt_string = try std.fmt.allocPrint(
defer testing.allocator.free(dt_string);
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, dt_string, "2023-06-10T06:21:22Z"));
test "fmt basic" {
const dt = DateTime{
.year = Year.new(2023),
.month = .june,
.day = 10,
.hour = 6,
.minute = 21,
.second = 22,
.tz = TimeZone.new(-4, null).?,
var dt_array = std.ArrayList(u8).init(testing.allocator);
defer dt_array.deinit();
var writer = dt_array.writer();
try dt.format_basic(writer);
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, dt_array.items, "20230610T062122-04"));
const dt_string = try std.fmt.allocPrint(
defer testing.allocator.free(dt_string);
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, dt_string, "2023-06-10T06:21:22-04"));