use super::Cmd; use crate::Path; use clap::{value_parser, Arg, ArgAction, ArgMatches, Command}; use std::{ error::Error, fs, io::{self, stdin, Read}, process, }; pub struct Head { name: &'static str, path: Option, } pub const HEAD: Head = Head { name: "head", path: Some(Path::Bin), }; impl Cmd for Head { fn name(&self) -> &str { } fn cli(&self) -> Command { Command::new( .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) .author("Nathan Fisher") .about("Display first lines of a file") .long_about( "Print the first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output.\n\ With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name.\n\ With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.\n\ Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too." ) .args([ Arg::new("FILES") .help("The input file to use") .num_args(1..), Arg::new("BYTES") .help("Count bytes instead of lines") .short('c') .long("bytes") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue), Arg::new("QUIET") .help("Disable printing a header. Overrides -c") .short('q') .long("quiet") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue), Arg::new("HEADER") .help("Each file is preceded by a header consisting of the string \"==> XXX <==\" where \"XXX\" is the name of the file.") .short('v') .long("verbose") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue), Arg::new("LINES") .help("Count n number of lines (or bytes if -c is specified).") .short('n') .long("lines") .default_value("10") .allow_negative_numbers(false) .value_parser(value_parser!(usize)) ]) } fn run(&self, matches: Option<&ArgMatches>) -> Result<(), Box> { let matches = if let Some(m) = matches { m } else { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "No input").into()); }; let files = match matches.get_many::("FILES") { Some(c) =>, None => vec!["-".to_string()], }; let header = !matches.get_flag("QUIET") && { files.len() > 1 || matches.get_flag("HEADER") }; for (index, file) in files.into_iter().enumerate() { if index == 1 && header { println!(); } head( &file, match matches.get_one("LINES") { Some(c) => *c, None => 10, }, header, matches.get_flag("BYTES"), ); } Ok(()) } fn path(&self) -> Option { self.path } } fn head(file: &str, count: usize, header: bool, bytes: bool) { let mut contents = String::new(); if file == "-" { match stdin().read_to_string(&mut contents) { Ok(_) => true, Err(e) => { eprintln!("head: {e}"); process::exit(1); } }; } else { let buf = fs::read_to_string(file); contents = match buf { Ok(c) => c, Err(e) => { eprintln!("head: {e}"); process::exit(1); } }; } if header { println!("==> {file} <=="); } if bytes { for (index, char) in contents.chars().into_iter().enumerate() { if index < count { print!("{char}"); } else { println!(); return; } } println!(); } else { for (index, line) in contents.lines().into_iter().enumerate() { if index < count { println!("{line}"); } else { return; } } } }