Add two tests

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Fisher 2024-02-12 00:15:00 -05:00
parent d67b34519f
commit fd17180496
4 changed files with 74 additions and 49 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
PREFIX ?= /usr/local
bindir = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
includedir = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include
libdir = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib
sharedir = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share
mandir = $(sharedir)/man
docdir = $(sharedir)/doc/libsemver
# We need an `echo` program that doesn't screw with terminal escape sequences.
# This only matters if /bin/sh is a symlink to dash, as the echo builtin in dash
# will screw with them and pass them as printed characters.
ECHO = /bin/echo

View file

@ -33,73 +33,36 @@
include ../
CFLAGS += -I../include
LDLIBS += ../libhaggis.a
CFLAGS += -I../../libepoch/include
LDLIBS += ../libsemver.a
LIBS += ../../libepoch/libepoch.a
tests += store_u16
tests += load_u16
tests += store_u32
tests += load_u32
tests += store_u64
tests += load_u64
tests += store_header
tests += check_header
tests += store_device
tests += load_device
tests += store_md5
tests += load_md5
tests += store_sha1
tests += load_sha1
tests += store_sha256
tests += load_sha256
tests += init_file_md5
tests += init_file_sha1
tests += init_file_sha256
tests += store_file_md5
tests += load_file_md5
tests += store_file_sha1
tests += load_file_sha1
tests += store_file_sha256
tests += load_file_sha256
tests += fnv1a_hash_inode
tests += fnv1a_hash_str
tests += linkmap_init
tests += linkmap_put
tests += create_dir_node
tests += create_symlink_node
tests += create_fifo_node
tests += create_dev_node
tests += create_file_node
tests += mq_push_pop
tests += extract_dev_node
tests += extract_dir_node
tests += extract_fifo_node
tests += extract_file_node
tests += extract_symlink_node
tests += extract_hardlink_node
tests += u128_from_version
tests += compare
total != echo $(tests) | wc -w | awk '{ print $$1 }'
.PHONY: test
test: $(tests) output
@echo -e "\n\t=== \e[0;33mRunning $(total) tests\e[0m ===\n"
@$(ECHO) -e "\n\t=== \e[0;33mRunning $(total) tests\e[0m ===\n"
@idx=1 ; success=0 ; fail=0; skip=0; for t in $(tests) ; \
do printf "[%02i/$(total)] %-25s" $${idx} $${t} ; \
idx=$$(expr $${idx} + 1) ; \
./$${t} ; \
retval=$$? ; \
if [ $${retval} -eq 0 ] ; \
then echo -e '\e[0;32mSuccess\e[0m' ; \
then $(ECHO) -e '\e[0;32mSuccess\e[0m' ; \
success=$$(expr $${success} + 1) ; \
elif [ $${retval} -eq 255 ] ; \
then echo Skipped ; \
then $(ECHO) Skipped ; \
skip=$$(expr $${skip} + 1) ; \
else echo -e '\e[0;31mFailure\e[0m' ; \
else $(ECHO) -e '\e[0;31mFailure\e[0m' ; \
fail=$$(expr $${fail} + 1) ; \
fi ; done || true ; \
if [ $${fail} == 0 ] ; \
then echo -e '\nResults: \e[0;32mOk\e[0m.' "$${success} succeeded; $${fail} failed; $${skip} skipped" ; \
else echo -e '\nResults: \e[0;31mFAILED\e[0m.' "$${success} succeeded; $${fail} failed; $${skip} skipped" ; \
if [ $${fail} -eq 0 ] ; \
then $(ECHO) -e '\nResults: \e[0;32mOk\e[0m.' "$${success} succeeded; $${fail} failed; $${skip} skipped" ; \
else $(ECHO) -e '\nResults: \e[0;31mFAILED\e[0m.' "$${success} succeeded; $${fail} failed; $${skip} skipped" ; \

test/compare.c Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#include "semver.h"
#include <assert.h>
int main() {
Version a, b;
a.vk_tag = SemVer;
a.semver.major = 3;
a.semver.minor = 14;
a.semver.patch = 0; = PRNone;
a.arch = x86_64;
b.vk_tag = Rapid;
b.rapid.major = 3;
b.rapid.minor = 14; = PRNone;
b.arch = x86_64;
assert(compareVersion(&a, &b) == CompEqual); = Alpha; = 1;
assert(compareVersion(&a, &b) == CompGreater); = Beta; = 2;
assert(compareVersion(&a, &b) == CompGreater); = ReleaseCandidate; = 1;
assert(compareVersion(&a, &b) == CompLess);
a.arch = arm64;
assert(compareVersion(&a, &b) == CompNone);
return 0;

test/u128_from_version.c Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#include "semver.h"
#include <assert.h>
int main() {
Version v;
u128 n;
uint64_t sn;
v.vk_tag = SemVer;
v.semver.major = 3;
v.semver.minor = 14;
v.semver.patch = 0; = PRNone;
v.arch = x86_64;
n = u128FromVersion(&v);
sn = (uint64_t)(n >> 64);
assert(sn == 0600340000000100000);
return 0;