Added package format description

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Fisher 2023-03-24 19:03:53 -04:00
parent 311df4c349
commit 318968db4b
3 changed files with 120 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ are not exposed in the library.
While the hpk source distribution will only include a command line client, provision
is made for some nice modern features for a future graphical client. As an example,
the `package.ron` file has an optional field to link to an
the *package.ron* file has an optional field to link to an
[AppStream]( metadata
file, allowing for nice things such as screenshots in a mode *App Store* like

118 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# HitchHiker package format
- [Archive Format](#archive_format)
- [File Layout](#file_layout)
- [package.ron](#package.ron)
## Archive Format
HitchHiker package archives are [zstd]( compressed
Unix Tar archives. If at some future date a better compression algorithm becomes
available than *zstd* it will be used instead, accompanied by a major version bump.
## File Layout
There is no top level directory in a package archive. Files intended to go into
`/etc` will be placed in `etc` in the archive (with no leading slash).
├── package.ron
├── etc
│   └── hpk
│   └──
└── usr
├── bin
│   └── hpk
└── share
├── doc
│   └── hpk
│   ├──
│   └──
└── man
├── man1
│   └── hpk.1
└── man8
└── hpk-package-format.8
11 directories, 7 files
Files inside of *etc* and *var* are expected to be configurable by the system
administrator or may change at runtime, respectively, and so are not overwritten
by default. Instead, when an archive is extracted onto the filesystem those files
will have the extension *.new*. If this is the first time the package has been
installed, or if a correspoding file does not exist on the filesystem, it will
instead be extracted without the *.new* extension. This is a design decision made
in the early planning stages of the package manager, following the
[KISS]( principle. It is believed
that once a user has become proficient in managing their own system then it is
bad practice for the package manager to attempt to edit config files, set services
to start at boot or other related tasks.
The file *package.ron* contains all of the required metadata about a package, such
as a list of files to be installed, their checksums, runtime dependencies etc.
## package.ron
An example *package.ron*
name: "foo",
version: SemVer(
major: 1,
minor: 42,
patch: 0,
release: 1,
description: "Select your Bars",
long_description: "Foo is to bar as baz is to FizzBuzz",
appstream_data: Some(""),
plist: Plist(
entries: [
path: "usr/bin/foo",
sha256sum: "7afe880d2ac5d5e5f29685045b366fe50a3266ba73dcad4127d4ac38b3fb11c2",
mode: 493,
size: 803024,
path: "usr",
mode: 493,
path: "usr/bin",
mode: 493,
size: 803024,
dependencies: ["bar", "baz"],
users: Some([
name: "foo",
uid: Some(42),
groups: Some([
name: "foo",
gid: Some(42),
post_install: Some("bar -u baz")
### Descriptions of the fields
- name: the name of the package minus any version information
- version: the version of the package, one of:
- semver (maj.min.patch)
- Git revision and date in the format `git_{short_hash}.{YYYYMMDD}`
- a single number, such as the version scheme used by eg Firefox and Chrome
- release: the release number, in case the package must be re-packaged to correct bugs
- description: a short, single line description of the package
- long_description: a more verbose descrition, generally a paragraph in length
- appstream_data: an optional link to an AppStream metadata file about the package
- plist: the list of files, directories and symlinks installed by the package
- size: the total size in bytes of all included files
- users: an optional list of users which will be created on the system if they do
not already exist
- groups: an optional list of groups which will be created on the system if they
do not already exist
- post_install: an optional Posix shell script (minus shebang line) to be run
after installing the package

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@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ pub use {
package::{Dependency, Package, Specs},