+++ title = "About Hitch Hiker Linux" date = 2021-02-15 +++ ```bash #!/don't/panic man 42 ``` HitchHiker Linux is a very Unix-like distribution of Linux with a focus on simplicity, elegance and providing a solid base that the end user can turn into whatever they see fit. ## Core Principles: * The default installation should include the bare minimum required software to provide a solid base. * Complexity should be discouraged in favor of code elegance, security and maintainability. * End users should not be discouraged from tinkering with their system. * The distribution should make as few assumptions as possible regarding end use. * While newer releases of software often eliminate bugs and vulnerabilities, newer software packages are not by default more secure than stable, mature packages (newer is not always better). * Any changes to the core system functionality, especially those which change expected functionality, must be well justified and well vetted before deployment. * The base installation should include everything required to rebuild itself from source. * The distribution should make as few changes to the upstream software as possible, delivering it as intended by the original author. * Patching of sources should only be done to fix bugs or vulnerabilities. HHL was born of a desire to harness the greater hardware support of Linux while paying respect to the Unix systems from which Linux was born. The author was a long time user of FreeBSD who migrated to Arch for several years, but has become increasingly frustrated with Systemd, Gnome, RedHat and Ubuntu dominance. It is believed that there is a need for a distribution that does not pander to ease of use for casual users at the expense of putting up roadblocks for experienced Unix veterans. ## Architectures HHL is running on the following processor architectures: * x86 * x86_64 * armv7l * aarch64 * riscv64